I received news yesterday (18 May 2020 1200 hours) that private tuition, including those conducted from home, are not allowed to be conducted in person. This was a change of decision from the announcement they made a few days ago, where the restriction only applied to center-based tuition and enrichment classes.

I wished they had made their mind up regarding private tuition a little earlier so that I didn’t need to work out the administration of offering the option for either face-to-face or online tuition (it was actually 5 to 4 in favour of face-to-face). Nevertheless, with the experience of online tuition during Circuit Breaker last year, it wasn’t too difficult to convert the remaining lessons to online lessons. Zoom has a restriction of 40 mins for group meetings of more than 2 people, so I switched to Google Meet instead for lessons with a pair of students with no big issue.

Once again, I feel fortunate that I’m still able to do my job even during a pandemic. Let’s hope things go alright from here, that the number of cases in Singapore decline over the next month, and that life goes back to normal (whatever that means nowadays).

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